If your credit card is about to expire, or if one of your renewal transactions fails, you'll receive emails from Peghead Nation informing you and asking you to update your credit card. To change or update your credit card information, please do the following: * Sign into the site , using the red “Sign In” button i…
As you know, many music students take lessons with their favorite instructors for years. At Peghead Nation, you can do that with some of the most in-demand teachers in the roots-music world , from wherever you are in the world. Our Courses have no timeline based on an arbitrary idea of a “typical” student, because …
Your first Peghead Nation Course is just $20 per month (or $200 per year). Once you've signed up for one Course, you can add more Courses to your subscription for just $10 per month (or $100 per year), per Course. There's no limit to how many Courses you can take with us, so study as many instruments or styles as …
We would love you to continue your musical journey with us indefinitely, but we understand that you sometimes need to take a break. When logged in, you can cancel your subscription anytime through your Peghead Nation My Account page . Your access will continue until the end of your current billing cycle—monthly s…
Billing for your course happens when you initially sign up for your course(s) and then happens automatically every 30 days for a monthly subscription or every 365 days for an annual subscription. Subscriptions are on an auto-renew basis, charged to your credit card on file, and you can cancel at any time. Once you c…